Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Working and Learning in the Seas.

Working at Disney is teaching me a lot. here are just a few of the things that I am learning from the Seas

1. Make a complete strangers day.
2. How to give top of the line service to those who do not return it.
3. That communicating with those who do not speak any english can be one of the hardest and most frustrating things to do.
4. Most people like to be helpless and go to you for the answer without pausing to see if they can answer it themselves.
5. Moving someones stroller can be cause for you getting yelled at by that person.
6. Kids can say the silliest things when given the opportunity to talk with a Sea Turtle.
7. Having a Disney name tag that says your name on it actually says to the guest, "Hi my name is, Kelsey and i can answer absolutely ANY question that you have on ANY of our Walt Disney World parks, resorts, restaurants, night life, transportation, the Orlando area, the Disney Cruise Line, Disneyland, Disneyland Paris/Hong Kong/ Tokyo, and the weather."
8. You don't always have to make the magic, but rather, a guest can make the magic for you.
9. Living in "the happiest place on earth" can be the most difficult job that you will ever love.
10. Everything is what you make it, and that in order to survive, you must try never to be too serious and that to take each moment in, they won't all be pleasant, but there will be that one guest, whether it is an adult or a child, that will make everything, the 70 hour work weeks, the stress, those disgruntled guests, your aching feet, your exhausted and dwindling patience, they will make everything worth it if you let them.

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